When the British won a battle, investors anticipated the day that the government would stop issuing new bonds and turn to buying old ones via the sinking fund. Rates fell and values rose. 当大英帝国赢得了一场战争的时候,投资者们就会预期政府将停止发行新的债券,他们就会通过偿债基金购买以前发行的债券,债券的利率就会下降,债券的资本价值就会上升。
To make a bond issue more attractive to conservative investors, some corporations create a bond sinking fund, designated for repaying the bonds at maturity. 为了使发行的债券对稳健的投资者更具吸引力,有些公司设立了专门用于在到期日偿付债券的偿债基金。
The Council may create, set aside and deal with in such manner and for such purpose as the Council may think fit any provident fund or sinking fund which the Council may deem necessary or expedient. 校董会可按其认为适当的方式及为其认为适当的目的,设立、取消和处理校董会认为有需要或合宜的任何公积金或累积基金。
Exploration and Analysis on the Factors of Governmental Foreign Debt Redemption Crisis in the late Qing Dynasty; To liquidate ( a debt, such as a mortgage) by installment payments or payment into a sinking fund. 晚清时期政府外债偿还危机因素探析分期偿还,分期付款用分期付款和偿债基金的形式偿清(债务,如抵押)
If you read English histories, the sinking fund was an English invention. 如果你看英国人的历史,那么偿还基金的发明专利就是英国人的。
The sinking fund continued in operation through the Napoleonic wars, though in an increasingly bizarre fashion. 在拿破仑战争期间,偿债基金的机制继续运作,只是方式益发古怪了。
At regular intervals, the corporation deposits cash into this sinking fund. 公司定期把现金存入偿债基金。
This article further enhances the solvency of local treasury bonds from the sinking fund mechanism and insurance mechanisms, as well as an institutional guarantee. 本文还从偿债基金机制和保险机制以及制度保障来提出进一步提升地方政府债券的偿付能力的建议。
Based on this, we should actively broaden the financing channels, trying to set up special issue local government bonds and a sinking fund, in order to achieve the purpose of raising revenue and cutting expenditure. 在此基础上,应积极拓宽融资渠道,尝试发行地方政府债券或建立专项偿债基金,已达到开源节流的目的。
Call feature is important for municipal bonds. These are the optional redemption, the mandatory sinking fund and the extraordinary redemption. 市政债券早赎是其重要特征之一,包括选择性早赎、强制性偿债基金和特别早赎三种形式。